Vintage Sylvania
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..:: Model ::.. ..:: Description ::..
Sylvania RS-400R
The RS-400R was released in 1966.
Sylvania RS-350W
The RS-350W was introduced in approximately 1967.
Sylvania RS-400X
The RS-400X was released in 1967 and is rated at 12.5 watts per channel RMS with less then 0.7% THD.
Sylvania CR-100W
The CR-100W was released in 1968.  It is rated at 12.5 watts per channel RMS with no more than 0.7% THD.
Sylvania RS-400X-1
The RS-400X-1 was released in 1968.
Sylvania CR-275W
The CR-275W was released in 1970. It is rated at 15 watts per channel RMS.
Sylvania CR-275WX
The CR-275WX was released in 1970.
Sylvania CR-270W
The CR-270W was released in 1971. It is rated at 20 watts per channel RMS with less than 2.0% THD.
Sylvania CR-2740
The CR-2740 was released in 1971.
Sylvania CR-2742A
The CR-2742A was released in 1971.
Sylvania CR-2742A-1
The CR-2742A-1 was released in 1971.
Sylvania CR-2742W
The CR-2742W was released in 1971. It is rated at 25 watts per channel RMS with less than 0.5% THD.
Sylvania CR-2743A
The CR-2743A was released in 1971.
Sylvania CR-2743A-1
The CR-2743A-1 was released in 1971.
Sylvania CR-2743W
The CR-2743W was released in 1971 and is the top of the line model for the CR-2700 series of receivers. It is rated at 50 watts per channel RMS with less than 0.5% THD.
Sylvania CR-280W
The CR-280W was released in 1971 and is the top of the line model for the CR-200 series of receivers. It is rated at 50 watts per channel RMS with less than 2.0% THD.
Sylvania CR-2741
The CR-2741 was released in 1972. It is rated at 12.5 watts per channel RMS with less than 1.0% THD.
Sylvania CR-2741-1
The CR-2741-1 was released in 1972.
Sylvania RQ-3745
The RQ-3745 was released in 1973. It is rated at 7.5 watts per channel RMS or 15 watts per channel RMS when Bridged, both with less than 1.0% THD.
Sylvania RQ-3746
The RQ-3746 was released in 1973. It is rated at 15 watts per channel RMS or 30 watts per channel RMS when Bridged, both with less than 1.0% THD.
Sylvania RQ-3747
The RQ-3747 was released in 1973. It is rated at 25 watts per channel RMS or 60 watts per channel RMS when Bridged, both with less than 0.5% THD.
Sylvania RQ-3748
The RQ-3748 was released in 1973 and is the top of the line model for the RQ-3700 series of quadraphonic receivers.  It is rated at 50 watts per channel RMS or 125 watts per channel RMS when Bridged, both with less than 0.5% THD.
Sylvania RS-4740
The RS-4740 was released in 1974.
Sylvania RS-4743
The RS-4743 was released in 1974.  It is rated at 30 watts per channel RMS with less than 0.25% THD.
Sylvania RS-4744
The RS-4744 was released in 1974 and is the top of the line model for the RS-4700 series of receivers.  It is rated at 60 watts per channel RMS with no more than 0.25% THD.
Sylvania RQ-4745
The RQ-4745 was released in 1973 and is an updated version of the RQ-3745 released in 1973. It is rated at 7.5 watts per channel RMS or 15 watts per channel RMS when Bridged, both with less than 1.0% THD.
Sylvania RQ-4746
The RQ-4746 was released in 1973 and is an updated version of the RQ-3746 released in 1973. It is rated at 15 watts per channel RMS or 30 watts per channel RMS when Bridged, both with less than 1.0% THD.
Sylvania RQ-4747
The RQ-4747 was released in 1975 and is an updated version of the RQ-3747 released in 1973. It is rated at 25 watts per channel RMS or 60 watts per channel RMS when Bridged, both with less than 0.5% THD.
Sylvania RQ-4748
The RQ-4748 was released in 1975 and is an updated version of the RQ-3748 released in 1973. It is the top of the line model of the RQ-4700 series of quadraphonic receivers and is rated at 50 watts per channel RMS or 125 watts per channel RMS when Bridged, both with less than 0.5% THD.
Sylvania RS-5740
The RS-5740 was released in 1975.  It is rated at 5 watts per channel RMS with less than 1% THD.
Sylvania RS-5741
The RS-5741 was released in 1975.  It is rated at 10 watts per channel RMS with less than 0.5% THD.
Sylvania RS-5742
The RS-5741 was released in 1975.  It is rated at 20 watts per channel RMS with less than 0.5% THD.
Sylvania GTE 2300
The GTE 2300 was released in approximately 1976 and is the bottom of the line model for the GTE series of receivers.  It is rated at 20 watts per channel RMS with no more than 0.5% THD.
Sylvania GTE 2400
The GTE 2400 was released in approximately 1976 and is the middle of the line model for the GTE series of receivers.  It is rated at 55 watts per channel RMS with no more than 0.1% THD.
Sylvania GTE 2600
The GTE 2700 was released in 1976 and is the top of the line model for the GTE series of receivers.  It is rated at 70 watts per channel RMS with no more than 0.1% THD.
Sylvania RS-5739
The RS-5739 was released in 1976.  It is rated at 5 watts per channel RMS with less than 1% THD.
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